Annual Meeting Minutes June 3, 2023

Gilford Yacht Club 2023 June 3 Annual Meeting Minutes

 Meeting came to order @ 10:15

Board members present:

Dimitry Zhivotovsky, Dave Almstrom, Svend Filby, Steve Wilson; Tim Matyuf- absent

Dave Johnson- Manager

Bob Giuda- moderater, Robert Ducharme -GYC Lawyer

18 owners with 27 votes, plus 13 Proxies= 40 total votes

Secretary Steve Wilson welcomed everyone to the meeting

Dave Johnson collected dues/assessments from owners who had not paid yet. According to our bylaws they were to pay 7 days prior to meeting but were allowed to pay and join the meeting. Robert Ducharme said the Board has the right to either follow this bylaw or waive it.

He said, “Always take the money !”

Board introduced themselves to the members

Moderator asked the following:

Do we have a quorum   yes

Certified by clerk      yes

Approval of annual meeting minutes of 2022

  Motion made by Bob Mayo to approve; `Mike Keefe- second . Adopted unanimously.

Treasurer Dave Almstrom reported

 As of May 31, 2023: Checking acct balance- $74,549.56

                                  Savings acct balance-  $38,473.68 

On dues of 2023 Rich Bono had questions on reserve fund.  

$300 was put in and he felt that it should be per the capital reserve report- $400.

Robert Ducharme looked over the capital reserve report and found that GYC had in its accounts substantially more than the requirement of the report. 

Line item- Gas and oil- $2000 should be $500.  Budget cannot be amended. Robert Ducharme said a budget is just estimated and can be moved around to other acct if there is excess

Board has adopted budget.

No GYC debit cards or credit cards are currently in use by GYC

All checks are from CPA; no board member writes checks. Only the treasurer signs them.

Former managers/board members had the use of debit cards.  

Dave J looking at old bank statements and will collect money used for personal business. 

Board will report conclusion to Lawyer and members for transparency

Cap reserve – NH state law does not require a reserve account

Board will look at the amount to put in each year per report

Only 2 months of operating capital should be in the operating account; all other capital should be in the reserve fund-according to Robert Ducharme

Audits are now 12K. Good idea to have a CPA review 

Audits need to be done at least once every 15yr

It is board decision to do this and has to be in meeting mins by 2025

Get price of audit from CPA

Suggestions from owners attending: Get better interest rates; too much money in operating acct – transfer to reserve fund- possibly have cd’s- maybe 4 so they come due at different times. It’s a board decision where/how to invest money

On budget line item- Lift income change to two separate line items- launch and haulout      board to change

Transparency- will club members be told who was involved using club funds for personal expenses? If and when board is ready to go forward, board will first go to lawyer depending on the amount of funds used.

Motion to approve 2023 budget: Greg Gunski made motion; Mike Keefe second; passed unanimously

Tami lift maintenance and dredging should be in reserve fund

Many items can be fixed by capital fund and not needed in reserve fund such as tami lift just replace parts as needed

No stress test has been done on the tami lift. Greg Gunski feels we need to have it stress tested

Board will look into it.

Bob Mayo interested in cap reserve. Do we need a committee?  Bob Mayo interested in being on

There needs to be more communication to members

Greg Gunski- dredging in future?  With water levels so low last year he had to run engines (prop dredge) to clear sand away from wall by his slip. 

Boats getting stuck more often; boats are backing in to finger docks running engines in gear and moving sand away from footings

Dredging should be on next board meeting

Suggestion on accts, cap res to see where money is, interest

Cap res– operating fund committee Bob Mayo

Robert Ducharme suggested 2 months operating funds in operating account at one time; rest in reserve getting interest- Then roll over end of year 

Dave J gave lawyer a proposal to vote on from CPA: GYC is a non-profit entity-no money should be left at end of year; transfer all end of year money into operating account of following year

Motion from Rich Bono to roll money over end of year; Bob Mayo second Passed unanimously

Should always be on agenda of annual meeting to roll over profit

Old business

Fence looks good; section of loose fence. contractor called will send person to fix issue

Bath house

Inside finished outside done Dave J working on deck 

Greg Gunski brought up board said we are only using outside venders why is Dave J doing work?  Dave J is covered under our insurance

Members thought they were getting a whole new inside vanity and toilets 

Some drains do not drain properly; ceiling tiles are stained, toilet loose, quality of work not what expected

Bathhouse is not completed, needed to be open for the season, there will be other improvements, this was a renovation not a new build.

Dave J stepped in to oversee build, Dave J built bathhouse in the 80’s .Budget was kept under 30K to avoid criticism.

Members would have liked to be consulted on the cost of renovations to bath house and stated they would have paid more to have it done more like the clubhouse.

Members attending stated that they would be happy to have a special assessment to redo the bath house

Rich Bono wants mower person to blow grass off walkway to gas dock and also use bag to collect the grass. Leaves need to be picked up in this area

Toilet paper and paper towels will be given to cleaning person to keep full

New business:

Board should walk property with members to look for problems

If members see problems; take picture; put in writing; give to board

Problems with people coming in to club to fish

No trespassing sign has been put up, take picture of vehicle’s license give to Dave J


*Do we need more cameras for complete coverage of club

*Fence around club

*Gate to get into club

*Need committees

Electric– board can charge an extra fee for individual that uses more than others

Live aboard fee?

Election of two officers:  David Almstrom and Dimitry Zhivotovsky up for relection

Greg Gunski made motion to nominate Rich Bono   

Members wanted private vote

Everyone voted-votes counted twice

Winners: David Almstrom and Dimitry Zhivotovsky

Need new door code- Dave J nominated to come up with one

Bob Giuda   comments that this year meeting was a lot better than last

Communication is the biggest problem he sees from the board and from the members

Things to put on agenda for next board meeting:


* Dredging

* Capital reserve

*Reserve fund

*Tami Lift

*Live aboard fee

*Slip 10 fix posts

*Clean up leaves


Then roll over end of year 

*Gate for fence for club security

Missy Croteau made a motion to adjourn-Karen Black second

Adjourned at 12:23 PM